My Mindless Chatter
Sunday, April 27, 2003
Today im in quite a happy mood.. terhibur betul aku dengan Tagboard aku tuh.. hahah..
well cant write long..
kena masak.. saja jer..will be updating soon..

~To blush or not to blush.. thats the question~

posted by lin 8:10 PM
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Saturday, April 26, 2003
Just a little something for Friday morning.

Wajah bercahaya dengan berselawat .

Pada suatu hari, Abul Laits As Samarqandi sedang dalam perjalanan bermusafir bersama-sama
ayahnya. Tiba-tiba dengan takdir Allah, ayahnya jatuh sakit. Semakin hari sakit ayahnya
semakin melarat sehingga meninggal dunia. Tinggallah Abul Laits sendirian untuk meneruskan
perjalanannya. Dia menunggu-nunggu jika muncul rombongan kafilah untuk meminta pertolongan menguruskan jenazah ayahnya itu. Ketika menunggu, dia terlihat jenazah ayahnya bertukar menjadi hitam pekat. Dia tertanya-tanya mengapa wajah ayahnya berubah. Abul Lait kemudian tertidur kerana terlalu
keletihan. Ketika itulah dia bermimpi seorang pemuda yang bercahaya wajahnya. "Siapakah saudara?" Tanya Abul Laits.
"Saya ialah Muhamad bin Abdullah." Mengertilah Abul Laits yang hadir dalam mimpinya itu
ialah Rasulullah SAW. Hatinya sungguh gembira."Ya Rasulullah, apakah maksud dan tujuan kedatangan tuan ini?" "Saya datang kerana hendak
menziarahi jenazah ayahandamu."Setelah diizinkan, Rasulullah pun membuka kain yang menutupi mayat ayah Abul Laits.
Baginda kemudian berdoa kepada Allah SWT. Ketika itu juga Abul Lait melihat wajah ayahnya
yang gelap tadi telah bertukar menjadi bercahaya. "Wahai Rasulullah, apakah yang
menyebabkan wajah ayahku menjadi hitam?" "Ayahmu semasa hidup telah berbuat dosa dalam
keadaan orang lain tidak mengetahuinya. Tetapi pada waktu malam ketika orang lain sedang nyenyak tidur, dia telah bangun dan
merintih kepada Allah. Dia mengadu kepada Allah akan hal dirinya yang sering berbuat dosa
kerana tidak mampu melawan hawa nafsunya. Ayahmu juga sentiasa basah lidahnya dengan
berselawat untuk saya. Oleh sebab itu, pada hari kematiannya Allah memerintahkan saya untuk menziarahi mayatnya."
Begitulah kisah yang dapat dipaparkan buat kali ini. Manusia memang selalu berbuat
kesalahan kerana tidak mampu melawan hawa nafsu. Namun begitu, apa yang penting ialah
kesedaran dan keinsafan perlu sentiasa ada dalam diri kita. Kemudian kita
bersungguh-sungguh mengadu dan memohon keampunan terhadap dosa-dosa yang dilakukan.
Semoga dengan rahmat Allah yang maha luas itu, Allah SWT mengampunkan dosa-dosa kita. Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda bahawa orang yang
sentiasa bertaubat daripada dosa samalah seperti orang yang tiada dosa. Namun begitu, bertaubat hendaklah dengan
sebenar-benarnya daripada hati yang tidak ingin lagi mengulangi dosa-dosa yang pernah dilakukan.
Iktibar daripada kisah ini juga menunjukkan betapa besarnya fadilat berselawat.
Terdapat banyak kelebihan berselawat antaranya
Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda: "Orang yang paling utama bagiku di hari kiamat ialah orang yang paling banyak berselawat untukku.
Barangsiapa yang membaca selawat 100 kali
untukku pada hari Jumaat, kelak pada hari kiamat dia datang dengan wajah bersinar-sinar.
Sekiranya sinar itu dibahagi-bahagikan kepada semua makhluk, nescaya mencukupi."

posted by lin 12:39 PM
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Its 1o'clock and i cant sleep...
I cant even study... so heres something ...just for ure pleasure..

fav friends

well... im not creative so shoot me.....

posted by lin 4:14 AM
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Friday, April 25, 2003
arghhhh jiwanggg jiwangggg......
Sometimes.. i can just melt in to sound of the music.. sometimes i just can float....Listening Dygta feat andina
Tak Mungkin Ku Melepas Mu..
The songs by DYGTA (only heard 2) are definitely for the light hearted.. for those who just suckers for soft, sweet aka jiwang melody
And thats me..heh
I can melt even more listening to their song Karna Ku Sayang Kamu (acoustic version..) ...aaarhh... heavenly.. heh
Tak abis abis aku rekomen lagu nih kat Zaris..I dunno but i just cant get enough of any song thats played on the guitar..
Thats why there was this short moment where i owned a guitar...but then found out i just didnt have the flare for it..

Well... today.. this mornin i could come up with at least 3 words for guessing...

ha ha ha.. what a good start for my exams......

Something i did while i was bored..faces of beauty

posted by lin 8:11 PM
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Thursday, April 24, 2003
My Thursday Thirteen

1.What did i have for breakfast?
Tazo refreshing tea, half of a banana muffin, one brownie and some pasta (wow.. byk nyer..)

2.What i have accomplished today?
Done some studying.. nap study..(what a life..)

3.What Im wearing now?
My school T-shirt, my red checked bermuda and a pair of old socks

4.Where i wish i was rite now?
Anywhere but here..

5.My most prized possesion?
My Samsung T100 handphone.

6.What i cannot live without?
My Samsung T100 handphone.. heh

7. Latest gossip?

8. What I had for lunch?
Didnt feel like eating lunch..

9. The last movie I watched

10. What did i just do a few minutes ago..
Talked on my Samsung T100 (mylife line..)

11. SOmething i didnt realize today.
It rained while i was asleep

12.Blogins i read today..
Bazzlits and Nixe..

13. How do i feel rite now??
Relieved... lega dapat habiskan this Thursday Thirteen..

Got this idea from blogs ive been reading.. hehe.. i know its utterly boring.. tapi seriusly nothin much going on in my life at the mo.. Life has been revolving around
my laptop.. the kitchen and my bed..Thinking of inviting a guest writer...?? Any volunteers?? heh..

posted by lin 7:26 PM
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Tuesday, April 22, 2003
Im a big fan of music and if u ask my roomate .. u will know that i cannot do anything..without having some song in the background..
My taste in music is soo diversed... from Sheila Majid, Mariah Carey to Linkin Park, EMinem and to Raihan or Snada... anyway.. last weekend.. i was suddenly surprised by a question from someone.. (below is an excerpt of a conversation...exact words may have been change as writer's memory is suppose to be filled with school work.. )..

Salman: Lin kau dah dengar album Linkin PArk baru?
Lin : oh ader album baru eh? Aku dengar satu tuh jer ... mmmm apa ntah yg selalu kuar tuh..
Salman : Somewhere I belong??
Lin : Haa yg tuh jer laa aku pernah dengar.. aku tatau pon dioarnag ader album baru...
Salman : Itu dah lama dah..... Lagu lagu dalam album tuh semua best..
Lin : Oooo.. Kau beli ke? Berapa pound?
Salman : mm dlaam 10 pound cam tuh..
Lin: oo ok.. NAk pinjam...?? heh.........

haha nogha sori ler bonding kejap ngan boyfriend kau... actually i was surprised by his knowledge in my taste of music.. but then i remembered some time ago where Nogh and Salman once used my PC in our home.. and maybe he found my latest collection of Linkin Park at that time...
So the next day I listened to the CD and he was right... Good albumm... Good songs... Great lyrics...
So heres one oh me favourite songs at the mo..

(anything written above is just an attempt to justify my reasons on putting up these lyrics.. and as an excuse of not having anything to write... ha ha ha...)

(album Meteora)
It’s easier to run
Replacing this pain with something more
It’s so much easier to go
Than face all this pain here all alone

Something has been taken from deep inside of me
The secret I’ve kept locked away no one can ever see
Wounds so deep they never show they never go away
Like moving pictures in my head for years and years they’ve played

(If I could change I would take back the pain I would)
(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)
(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)
(If I could take all the shame to the grave I would)
(If I could change I would take back the pain I would)
(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)
(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)
(I would take all my shame to the grave)

It’s easier to run
Replacing this pain with something more
It’s so much easier to go
Than face all this pain here all alone

Sometimes I remember the darkness of my past
Bringing back these memories I wish I didn’t have
Sometimes I think of letting go and never looking back
And never moving forward so there’d never be a path

(If I could change I would take back the pain I would)
(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)
(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)
(If I could take all the shame to the grave I would)
(If I could change I would take back the pain I would)
(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)
(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)
(I would take all my shame to the grave)

Just watching in the sun
All of my helplessness inside
Pretending I don’t feel misplaced
It’s so much simpler to change

It’s easier to run
Replacing this pain with something more
It’s so much easier to go
Than face all this pain here all alone

It’s easier to run
(If I could change I would take back the pain I would)
(Retrace every wrong move that I made)
It’s easier to go
(If I could change I would take back the pain I would)
(Retrace every wrong move that I made I would)
(If I could stand up and take the blame I would)
(I would take all my shame to the grave

posted by lin 2:19 PM
. . .
Monday, April 21, 2003
'there he was..
the guy in the blue sneakers..
he lies in the shades..
full of content
the she is...
the girl in the red dress...
looking out in the open
a smile on her face...
there they are..
the old couple...
not a worry in mind..
not a wrinkle on their face..'

Sometimes.. i'd just put on my headphones... and put on my favourite song as loudly as i can..
sometimes id even sing to it..
sometimes i just let the music surround my mind...
let it wrap my body in its melody..
let myself drown it its greatness. just serene.

posted by lin 10:38 PM
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I was watching TOy story just now and I was suddenly filled with the feeling of.....mmmmmm...cant seem to find the word...
I just miss lifes simplicities... I miss my computer being able connect to the internet without problem..heh..
Im using Medi's network cable at the mo.. and seems to be ok.. i hope nothing's wrong with my pc. hope its just the cable....

posted by lin 10:38 PM
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The day aint as beutiful as tomorrow but its better than yesterday..... a positive and optimistic view...

yesterday i was listening to this site where it sort of connects u to a server or radio. (whatever.. im not good in these internet terms.)
containing a collection of nasyeeds, Quran recitings and some Malay songs..
As i was doing my work with this in the background my ears cought hold of a rap song coming from this channel.(whatever..)...
i was really surprised that a rap song was being played among nasyeeds... bu then i tried to listen intently..(at the same time.. the WInamp displays the songs group,singer, title) and i realized it was a rap song on Islam..
Subhanallah.. it was really cool..
The particular song was from a group known as SOA..(soldiers of Allah).. and the title of the particular song was Imaginary Walls.. i then decided on looking for the lyrics..
so here they are.. Do read if u have the time.. and do listen to it if u could find a place to download it ( if anyone does find a place to download it.. please inform me.)..I know its extra long.. but try just reading a few lines..

“ I M A G I N A R Y W A L L S ”
(Heart beat….getting faster)
Huu…I thought we were one UMMAH
Look at us Now…
Jordan Arabia Iran
Egypt Indonesia Sudan
Tunisia Algeria Amman
Iraq Kashmir Philistine
Albania Bosnia Kurdistan
Spain Half France Hindustan
Somalia Lebanon Azerbaijan
Melesia Libya Kazakhstan
Bangladesh Chechnia
Turkey Cypress Pakistan
Kuwait .. Ch...explosion……..
Bismillah - AR - Rahman - AR - Raheem
Allah made us ONE UMMAH!
No divisions in this Deen
Islam is our creed
Halall is our means
Pledge your allegiance to Islam
Cuz ISLAM will set you free
We bringing in…..
Different Dawah carriers
We’re coming in from different lands
But we see no barriers
Lyrics to reach your ears
Educate our minds with Islam
And Inshallah his disease of nationalism
Will disappear
Gave up all my nationalistic ties
Even though my family hated it
Put away your patriot games
Cuz I ain’t playing it.
You see I ran from Iran
But I’m not Iranian
Allah gave me the BOND-OF-ISLAM
And now I’m claiming it
I throw back the flag
They put in my hand
I throw it in their face
Because they destroyed OUR
No border lines
Between our Muslim land
Cuz its Allah’s command
Cuz its Allah’s demand
Allah is my only fear
And that’s that
T A K B I R ! ! !
Allahu – Akbar Allahu - Akbar
Coming in loud
Listen to this call
Breaking nationalism down
Like the Berlin wall
If they want to take me
They better take us all
Uniting under one flag of
La - Ilaha - Ilallah Mohammedun Rasul-lullah
Trying to deviate the Muslims
With the ayah’s that they twist
Brainwashing us with
So they can watch this Ummah
They want us to
Stand up for their flag
But we rather sit
They like to see their flag
We like to see it lit
Will I claiming to be Persian
Won’t celebrate
Their fire worshipping new year
So now I hear my mother cursing
Trying to brainwash me
Telling me that I’m Persian????
W H A T ! ! ! ? ?
Tools that kafirs use
Preventing the Muslims from merging
They’ve put up imaginary walls
That’s for certain
Bunch of cowards!!
Cuz they won’t fight us in person
Our Ummah is hurting
Nationalism has worsen
Won’t compromise Islam
Even when its curtains
Tearing up the flags
That these kafirs are waving up
Ain’t going to start fitna
Like that fool Lawrence of Arabia
Don’t listen to history
Our enemies are making up
They’re already claiming victory
Watching our Ummah breaking up
Doesn’t make a difference
Where you from
As long as we stand divided…
We’re going to stand stuck
There is no divisions
Between my brothers
Khalas!!…..Enough is enough!!!!!
Trying to deviate the Muslims
With the ayah’s that they twist
Brainwashing us with nationalism
So they can watch this Ummah split
They want us to
Stand up for their flag
But we rather sit
They like to see their flag
We like to see it lit
I hate fake rulers like Sadam
Like I hate the united snakes
Gaps are only for shaiton
So I leave no space
Either you’re a slave to what made-man
Or you’re a slave to what man-made
My ONLY allegiance is to Islam
And this is where I keep my faith
Inshallah let us break these kufur walls
Before Allah has us replaced
And let us unite this Ummah
Under one Mighty Islamic State!
Soldiers of Allah
Keeping it real with tight rhymes
Insh-Allah one day
We wouldn’t have to rap about
Sad times
Islamic state will be implemented
There will be no gap between
Me & my brothers
Side by side just like our pray lines
No more imaginary walls
Brothers greeting each other worldwide
Our only bond will be Islam
Haram and Halal will be
Our only guidelines
Waking up from this coma
I see a rise of Muslim pride
A generation of Muslim youth
Who know the truth
Let’s us be the ones
Who bring this Ummah back to life
Putting Islam back into the lime light
No divisions in this Ummah
Erasing all kufuristic border lines
Leaving all man-made systems
With nothing
But just a flat line___________

posted by lin 1:42 PM
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Sunday, April 20, 2003
just finished reading nads.. and mins blogins bout kak mins gross encounter.. and im soooo terhibur..
sori kak min..... but ure story really really changed my day.. heh
Happy reading..

posted by lin 8:32 PM
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life is already complicated.. dont make it even more complicated ....
Need to get a grip on myselff..

.when a phone rings.. it could be anybody... but a ringing phone has to be answered.....
Watched the PhoneBooth yesterday...hahahaha...

~Quick get me a tranqulizer b4 i start shooting someone.. ~

posted by lin 8:20 PM
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Lin is a student at Imperial College who's still struggling with life's little mysteries. She takes life as it goes and loves to write bout her daily doings. She took her A levels in KMYS and she thinks its heavenly despite being in the centre of nowhere.